The Reformers remained loyal to God’s principles. As a result, they were severely persecuted. Some were thrown into concentration camps, and quite a number gave their lives for the truth.
If you would like, please write to us requesting the book And Follow Their Faith., which describes the experiences of several of the martyrs who proved faithful unto death. There is a crown of victory waiting for them. Praise God for the staunch defenders of the truth in this Reform Movement. Here is a partial list of those who suffered and died as heroes of the faith:
Blasi [first name unknown], 50, murdered in the concentration camp at Mauthausen in 1943;
Brugger, Anton, 32, beheaded in Berlin in 1943;
Freier, Robert, imprisoned and murdered in 1940;
Golanczik [first name unknown], 51, tortured to death in a concentration camp in 1943;
Hanselmann, Johann, 50, killed in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen in 1942;
Hermann [first name unknown], 70, imprisoned in 1941, declared dead in prison at Breslau;
Koerner, Ernst, tortured to death in the concentration camp at Sachsenhausen in 1944;
Maritschnig, Maria, 58, died in the Auschwitz concentration camp on September 25, 1942;
Metzner, Gottlieb, imprisoned on October 19, 1944, and murdered the same year, in Oldenburger concentration camp;
Muench, Alfred, died in the concentration camp at Neuengamme in 1945.
Pacha, Victor, 26, shot to death at Halle/Saale on September 27, 1942;
Pietz, Günther, 19, shot to death at Halle/Saale on September 27, 1942;
Psyrembel, Gustav, executed on March 30, 1940, in Berlin;
Ranacher [first name unknown], sentenced to death by a military tribunal;
Rohloff, Stanislav, 51, tortured to death in the concentration camp at Mauthausen in 1944;
Sadowski, Salamon, 35, shot to death by the SS in 1942;
Slachetka, Aleksy, 21, died on prison transport to Dachau in 1944;
Slachetka, Tomasz, 44, tortured to death in the concentration camp at Mauthausen in 1944;
Thaumann, Willy, shot to death in 1941 in the concentration camp at Oranienburg;
Zeiss, Dr. Alfred, lost his life in a concentration camp;
Zrenner, Leander, shot on August 9, 1941, at Brandenburg/Havel.
These witnesses were faithful to the Gospel and to the commandments of God. They went through many trials and sorrows but were overcomers.