We held nine public meetings in Budapest, September 6 to 22, 1996. With the Lord’s help, we were able to secure a spacious and impressive hall that accommodated 250 people–a suitable setting for presenting fascinating Bible prophecies relating to the end time. We attempted to unravel the prophetic books of Daniel and Revelation and catch glimpses of the past, the present, and the future.

In order to attract the public’s attention to the upcoming seminar, we distributed 61,000 printed invitations in downtown Budapest. Church members, interested friends of the church, as well as students of the Bethel Theological Missionary School in Albertirsa, worked eagerly and joyfully for the success of the campaign.

Doors that seemed securely shut were opened by the Lord’s hand to our amazement and wonder. No matter if the rain came down hard, the cold wind howled, or the sun shone, the dedicated team of workers pressed on, finishing their assignment in three days. 

Mention must be made of the fact that this outreach was undertaken in a city that did not have an established local church. It was a new and fertile field in which to herald the good news of salvation.

And so the evening came for us to present the first lecture with the theme “Who will rule the world in the future?” The hall was filled with eager, curious listeners. I was convinced that the Holy Spirit had prompted their hearts to respond to God’s invitation. “And the spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” Revelation 22:17.

By means of an overhead projector, the Hungarian guests were able to read the Bible texts in their own language.
Each nightly lecture was presented in English and then interpreted into Hungarian by brother and missionary student Rudolf Gegeny. I am very thankful to brother Gegeny for his willingness and superb translating skills. The clarity, speed, and accuracy of his language were a great blessing to all the Hungarian visitors.

Besides the blessing of the spoken word, our spirits were also uplifted by the melodious strains of praise of the Albertirsa student choir. Elder S. Gutknecht, the choir director, had worked exceptionally hard to prepare a beautiful and inspiring program of about twenty songs. I was reminded of what Ellen White had written about singing–that it “is one of the most effective means of impressing the heart with spiritual truth.” Education, p.168.

The last meeting on September 22 will stand out as a most memorable day. The hall was packed with the greatest number of visitors, mostly of Catholic faith, who had come to hear for them an earthshaking message about the identity of the Antichrist. They were very desirous to know the facts about the Mark of the Beast and what the mysterious number 666 represented. It was difficult and challenging for me to present this subject with power, tact, and love. Speaking to a large Catholic audience about the Antichrist is no simple matter! I found myself perspiring heavily. I did not want to give the impression that I was judging sincere souls. Dear Friends, please treat your Catholic neighbors with respect, dignity and love.

When at last the solemn presentation was concluded with an “Amen,” the audience applauded loudly to give their approval of the message. I thanked the Lord that hearts were touched through the working of the Holy Spirit. That final meeting was just the beginning of a new work growing up in the metropolitan city of Budapest. As a result of these meetings, we have had requests to visit people in their homes. Brother Gegeny has been assigned to labor in Budapest as a full-time missionary. May the Lord bless and prosper him richly, as well as the other workers in Hungary, as they labor diligently to find souls for the kingdom of glory.
God bless Hungary!