Today more than ever, people are asking the all-important question: How will the world end? Unfortunately, there are myriad answers to this question. From every part of the globe there comes yet another speculation, another theory, another prophecy…
What are some of the predictions made by scientists, environmentalists, futurologists, politicians, and simply concerned people? Here is a list of eight ideas about how civilization may end.
- 1. Terrorists will use nuclear and/or biological weapons to destroy life on planet Earth.
- 2. The depletion of the protective ozone layer in the atmosphere will allow the sun’s ultraviolet rays to cause deadly skin cancers.
- 3. Epidemics of fatal diseases will wipe out the earth’s population.
- 4. Because of massive deforestation, oxygen is being depleted and this will result in the asphyxiation of the human race.
- 5. A massive asteroid will collide with the earth and cause the annihilation of the human race.
- 6. Earth’s overpopulation will result in scarcity of food and mass starvation.
- 7. Extremists will fight religious wars to purge the earth of the infidels, thus destroying everyone.
- 8. Lack of pure drinking water will result in massive deaths.
But the Bible alone has the true, reliable, answer to the question, “How will the world end?” “But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.” 2 Peter 3:10.
An “invasion from outer space” is being planned by Jesus, the King of the Universe. He will come back the second time with a host of angels to conquer evil and to literally destroy this sinful world.
Promise of Christ’s Coming
“And if I
Jesus Himself promised to return at God’s appointed time to rescue those who are faithful to Him. There are about 2,500 references in the Bible to the Second Coming of Christ. In the Old Testament, for every prophecy of His first coming, there are eight prophecies predicting His second coming. Two thousand years ago, Jesus clearly made this promise: “I will come again.” He has not forgotten us, and He wants to take away all the pain, suffering, misery and death. The blueprint of heaven calls for the restoration of the New Earth, where man and God will dwell in peace and happiness forever.
How Will Christ Return?
“But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night.” 2 Peter 3:10.
Christ will come back to this earth unexpectedly, “as a thief in the night.” The wicked will be totally surprised and overwhelmed. They will not be ready for this grand event. In A.D. 79, Mount Vesuvius erupted unexpectedly. The prosperous but sinful city of Pompeii was completely destroyed by this volcanic eruption. The inhabitants of this pleasure-loving city did not expect an explosion to end their lives. But the endless party that was their lives ended rather abruptly for the Pompeiians. The sudden and unexpected return of Christ will likewise find the wicked totally unprepared. No one will escape this fiery and fearful day of judgment, except those who have made Christ their Savior. “Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.” Revelation 1:7.
Christ will appear in the same manner as He left the earth. This visible event will be witnessed by every living person. No one will miss seeing Jesus coming in the clouds of the sky. The angels accompanying Jesus will blow their trumpets to signal the deliverance of God’s people from the captivity of Satan. When this heavenly invasion by Jesus occurs, the wicked will have no place to hide. Because of guilt and fear, they would rather welcome death than life.
Today is the Time to Prepare for Eternity! How can we get ready for the second coming of Christ?
1. Accept the fact that God loves us. John 3:16.
2. Recognize that we cannot save ourselves.
3. Believe that Jesus can and will save us.
4. Confess our sins to Jesus and believe that we are forgiven.
5. Claim His gift of eternal life and decide to serve Him forever.
“He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned.” Mark 16:16.