February 1 – 4, 2006, Brother Wikler Moran and Elder Henry Dering visited the historic city of Portland, Maine, where God’s messenger, William Miller, delivered a series of lectures dealing with Christ’s Second Advent. In her book Early Writings,p. 11, Ellen White describes her reaction to the soul-stirring messages that were preached by this man of God.

“At the age of eleven years I was converted, and when twelve years old was baptized, and joined the Methodist Church.

[Sister White was born at Gorham, Maine, November 26, 1827.] At the age of thirteen I heard William Miller deliver his second course of lectures in Portland, Maine.

I then felt that I was not holy, not ready to see Jesus. And when the invitation was given for church members and sinners to come forward for prayers, I embraced the first opportunity, for I knew that I must have a great work done for me to fit me for heaven. My soul was thirsting for full and free salvation, but knew not how to obtain it.

“In 1842, I constantly attended the second advent meetings in Portland, Maine, and fully believed that the Lord was coming. I was hungering and thirsting for full salvation, an entire conformity to the will of God. Day and night I was struggling to obtain this priceless treasure, that all the riches of earth could not purchase.”

In this northeastern, cold-winter city of Portland, Maine, we had the opportunity to visit a Spanish speaking group of Seventh-day Adventists who are preparing for the second coming of Jesus. Their minister, Julio Dicent, was very willing to permit us to conduct several meetings during our four-day stay. Each presentation was Christ-centered and was warmly received by the group. On Sabbath, February 4, over 30 people attended the morning and afternoon meetings. Incidentally, the I.M.S. Sabbath School lessons provided the impetus for a lively exchange of ideas about Man’s Creation and Lucifer’s Reaction. I thank the Lord that one of the brethren from the independent group was able to help me with all the English-to-Spanish interpretation. Several times he addressed me as “Father” and thanked me for the “masses” that I held! At this juncture, I should mention that my interpreter had recently left the Catholic Church and is now fellowshipping with the Adventist group. Here is a relevant Bible quote: “And call no man your father upon the earth: for one is your Father, which is in heaven.” Matthew 23:9. May the Lord help this man to grow in grace and in truth. God certainly loves him very much! 

After the meetings had come to an end, the brethren lovingly welcomed us back to Portland to preach the old gospel message that William Miller had preached in Maine and where his teachings had led to a great spiritual revival in the 1840’s. Are we willing to follow in his footsteps and teach that Jesus is coming to this earth very soon? Once again, the third angel’s message needs to be proclaimed with power. The world needs to be warned before Jesus comes again.

Please pray that the independent group may continue to develop spiritually and that it may continue to search for precious gems of truth.

“But the path of the just is as the shining light, that shineth more and more unto the perfect day.” Proverbs 4:18.


William Miller preached in this building in Portland.


Schoolhouse E. White attended