Estonia formally declared its independence from the former U.S.S.R. on August 20, 1991. Since the government’s adoption of a western-style democratic system, the country has radically changed its policies relating to religious freedom. The Protestant Christians are no longer hindered from worshiping in accordance with their conscience. Our own church is no longer outlawed but is permitted to worship openly. The government is not only being tolerant of churches, but is even welcoming the emergence of new ones. Incidentally, our church in Estonia is in the process of being registered.
Thanks be to God for His hand in the affairs of the nations and in dismantling of the communist system in particular.
Because of the total religious freedom that now exists there, the believers decided to take the opportunity to help fulfill the gospel commission found in Matthew 28: 19, “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost.” To accomplish their goal, the brethren made arrangements to secure a large theater in Tallinn the capital and largest city of Estonia. The theater had a seating capacity of 1000 and was ideally located in the center of town, where thousands of people pass by daily. It was decided that the public would be invited by way of radio announcements, the distribution of 4000 printed invitations and through large posters hung up on poles, walls and buildings.
After all the advertising, the day came when the first meeting would convene. There was an atmosphere of joyous anticipation, excitement, as well as suspense. No one knew how many people would attend. To my happy surprise, about 400 curious listeners showed up for the first meeting. They were dressed in warm winter clothing, because the hall was chilly and had no heating. In the audience there were many old folk as well as many young people who were eager to learn from the first lecture, “Who will rule the world in the future?”
Don’t forget that the people in the audience had been under a 70-year old suppressive dictatorship and were spiritually starved. Now the time was ripe, and hungry souls wanted to feed upon the Living Bread–the Word of God. It was sheer delight to see so many happy and interested listeners. Because they had been deprived for so long, their hunger for spiritual food seemed much greater than I have found in other countries of the world.
That first evening I learned that the English-Russian interpreter would not be coming to Tallinn to interpret for me. That was a shocking surprise for me. My stomach felt instantly very uncomfortable. What a way to begin the first lecture! The news meant that I must speak in German. I considered this seriously. How could I possibly give a public lecture in German? My knowledge of German was rather elementary. God will have to help me. In my brief opening remarks in German, I welcomed the crowd and regretfully expressed my anxiety at not having an interpreter. My desire was to speak in English. Then I asked if anyone in the audience could help me. It didn’t take long before a young man came up from the audience to offer his help. For a few minutes he tried his very best, but unfortunately his comprehension of English was not adequate. While he struggled to interpret for me, another person from the audience came boldly up on the stage. She gently took over his work. I praised the Lord for the last minute intervention. You can’t imagine what a relief for me it was to be able to speak in English. To speak effectively to a huge audience, one must have trust in God and a comfortable command of the language! The lecture was additionally translated from Russian to Estonian. For two hours each evening of the meeting, the audience had to sit patiently and listen to two interpreters. Their patience never wore out. The truth-filled messages kept the hearers in their seats. All praise and glory goes to our God. “Thou art worthy, 0 Lord, to receive glory, and honor and power.” Rev. 4: 11.
We offered free Bibles to the people who attended the meetings. During the second half of the week, the believers hunted everywhere for the Bibles. They searched for the Bibles throughout the city. Wherever we found some Bibles, we bought all that were available. No Bible remained on the bookshelves after we left the store. We then gave them out freely at the end of each lecture. About 50 people came up each evening to obtain freely the most precious book every written.
There were also some people who came to our believers with spiritual and personal problems. Everyone was helped to come closer to the Lord.
During the missionary outreach, we announced that another book would also be given away. This book is the most important book written for our time. It portrays the past, the present, and the future of the great conflict between good and evil as it concerns the people of God. We offered The Great Controversy in the Russian language. In order to make this book available to them, we asked for the names and addresses of those interested. Hundreds of people responded. As of now, the books are still in the U.S.A. and waiting to be shipped to Estonia. Hopefully they will arrive some time in July. Please pray that these inspired books will be read by the people and will have a positive impact on them. From the pen of inspiration we read about the distribution of this book. “The Great Controversy should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earth’s history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in The Great Controversy, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.” Colporteur Ministry, p. 127.
May the Lord grant that this book will soon reach the hands of the sincere and honest. If any reader of this report wishes to help the work in Estonia, please be so kind to send your contribution to the General Conference Office in Mosbach, Germany. (Label it Estonia fund.)
At the conclusion of the lectures, everyone was cordially invited to attend a seminar. All those interested in God’s Word had the opportunity to continue to learn more about the “present truth.” Between 30 and 80 people attended the 2-hour long studies which were conducted 4 times a week.
All in all, the time spent in Tallinn was refreshing, stimulating and rewarding. The power of the Gospel again broke through traditions and false doctrines. Souls were enlightened by the Holy Spirit to receive precious gems of saving truth and to emerge out of darkness into light. Now that a work has been reborn in Estonia, we pray and fervently hope that it will continue to flourish and produce good fruits for eternity.
May the following verses give us hope and courage:
“Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days. In the morning sow thy seed, and in the evening withhold not thine hand: for thou knowest not whether shall prosper, either this or that, or whether they both shall be alike good.” “Praise ye the Lord. Praise God in his sanctuary: praise him in the firmament of his power. Let everything that hath breath praise the Lord. Praise ye the Lord.” Ecclesiastes 11: 1, 6; Psalms 150:1, 6.