“We should now feel the responsibility of laboring with intense earnestness to impart to others the truths that God has given for this time …. Decided efforts should be made to bring the message of this time prominently before the people. The third angel is to go forth with great power …. Everywhere the light of truth is to shine forth, that hearts now in the sleep of ignorance may be awakened and converted. In all countries and cities the gospel is to be proclaimed.” Evangelism, pp. 16-19.
It was on October 12, 1993, that brother Martin Jelsch and I met at the Frankfurt Airport to travel to Kiev, the capital of Ukraine. There at the main terminal we were happy to see each other again after a long time. Both of us felt excited, enthusiastic, and challenged to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ to a people who had been until recently enslaved by the brutal system of communism. We were determined and eager, and considered the prospect of helping our Ukrainian brethren a privilege and a great joy. We had waited more than five months to be allowed to travel to this country where the people were hungry for the Third Angel’s message. Our visas could not be issued until we had obtained private invitations from our Ukrainian brethren. To say the least, the long wait tried our faith and patience. We learned that the Ukrainian government is not known for its efficiency, but rather that it operates at a snail’s pace. Government business is not done as quickly as in the West. The word “wait” is all too familiar to the people.
After our three-hour flight to Kiev, we could once again praise the Lord for His protection and mercy. It certainly was a good feeling to have our feet touch the ground again.
As we left the plane by way of the staircase, we were directed to take a bus to the main terminal. Once inside the terminal, we made our way slowly through long lines of people all waiting to be cleared by customs and immigration officers. It was a big relief and joy to have the last segment of inspection come to an end and we were warmly welcomed by the brethren. Brother Gennadyi Zaloznyi from Krivoy Rog and two of his companions were there to help us with our heavy luggage and to take us to the train station.
From Kiev, we traveled by train south in the direction of the Black Sea. The long journey by rail to Krivoy Rog would take about twelve hours to cover a distance of about 200 miles. That’s covering less than 20 miles an hour. Travel by train is one of the least expensive ways of getting around in the Ukraine. In order to get some much needed rest, we secured a four bunk-bed cabin. There was plenty of jarring, noise, shaking and overly warm air on board. Don’t ask whether I slept well. In any event, this will remain a most memorable travel experience for me. As the daylight appeared through our dirty window, we could clearly see old brick factories, farm houses, men and women on bicycles, and wooded areas with brilliantly colored autumn leaves in a country that has been blessed with natural resources–enormous deposits of iron ore and rich black soil.
At long last, we reached our destination–the city of Krivoy Rog with a population of about 700,000. This is where we were going to devote one month to intensive missionary work. It was a sheer delight to step out of the old train in the early morning hours. Immediately we headed toward the taxi stand to venture our way to the residence of brother Dmitri Zaloznyi.
Upon our arrival, we were warmly welcomed by some of our Ukrainian, and even a couple of Estonian, believers. Yes, Brother Sergei and sister Julia Jezevskaia from Tallinn were there also. They arrived one day ahead of us. I was exuberant with joy at seeing my brothers and sisters of the faith. I was very content to know that for one month, sister Julia would be my official English-Russian interpreter. Months before her three-day trip by train to Krivoy Rog, I had written and appealed to her to come to the Ukraine and help me out with interpreting. We had already worked nicely together in Tallinn during the evangelistic campaign of May 5-12, 1992. Those meetings had borne fruit. In July 1993, Julia testified openly that she loved Jesus and was baptized. A wonderful miracle had taken place in her life. Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:17 that a change takes place in the sinner who accepts Jesus as a personal Savior: “Therefore if any man be in Christ he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.” Thank God for the miracle of conversion! I would also like very much to thank sister Julia for her self-sacrificing help and the excellent interpreting service.
On Wednesday, October 13, brother Jelsch and I commenced our planned missionary program.
Every evening for two weeks, brother Jelsch, who is a naturopath by profession, held inspiring and informative health lectures. Both old and young were fascinated to learn through slide presentations the simple methods of preventing disease and maintaining good health. He also had some free time for illness diagnosis and to suggest ways for healthful living. Through his lectures and simple and natural methods of treating disease, doors of opportunity could be opened to reveal Christ more fully. It is said of Christ that “during His ministry, Jesus devoted more time to healing the sick than to preaching.” Desire of Ages, p. 350. Let us learn from our Divine Healer.
Besides this active health work, it was necessary to further plan for the spiritual conference, baptism and the evangelistic meetings to be held in two large halls. There was an enormous amount of love, dedication, sweat and tears that went into all this planning and work.
The spiritual conference was a long awaited event. Believers came from far and near. Some had to travel by train several days and nights to attend this spiritual feast.
When Sabbath morning came, the church hall was completely packed with believers. The nicely dressed choir members sat in their usual place; the children, scores of youth and adults all patiently waited for the leader of the Sabbath School to open the meeting with a hymn of praise. There was reverence and solemnity in the air. Holy angels were present in the congregation. Everyone appeared happy and content on this holy day of worship.
Many adult members of the Sabbath School had learned their lessons by heart. This practice of memorization is exactly what the pen of inspiration recommends we do: “Let the more important passages of Scripture connected with the lesson be committed to memory, not as a task, but as a privilege.” Child Guidance, p. 512.
It may be of some interest to note that the Sabbath School classes were held from 10:00-12:00 noon in a large private home. Devoting two hours to studying the Bible was a customary occurrence in Krivoy Rog.
As at all conferences, singing was an uplifting part of our devotional services. Of course, the choir was well prepared to glorify the Lord through the special songs. It was highly evident to me that most of the youth there have a deep love and talent for music. The rich and melodious singing that came from sanctified lips was very refreshing. Words alone seem inadequate to describe the emotions that were stirred.
As at every conference, the time came for the last song to be sung and the last prayer to be offered. Everything ended on a positive and joyful note of praise. God was with His people.
On October 24 the first public meeting was to be held in a well-known and spacious theater that had a seating capacity of 500. The outside of the theater was very imposing, with twelve enormous stately columns leading to the entrance. We were able to rent this impressive hall for about $6 per session, unbelievably cheap, from a Western standard. Despite the fact that the hall was not heated, visitors wearing heavy winter clothing still turned up for the meetings. The truth of Jesus was attracting them like a magnet.
A few days before the evangelistic meetings, about 25 youths and adults distributed almost 20,000 invitations from house to house. It took about five hours to do this. Additionally, large posters were placed on poles throughout the downtown section of the town. The invitations listed timely and relevant topics to be covered that motivated people to attend the meetings. Some of the themes presented were: 1) The Devil on vacation; 2) Who will rule the world in the future?; 3) What happens after my funeral?; 4) Why is there so much suffering? 5) Who is the Antichrist?
After each lecture, time was allowed for questions from the audience. Many soul-searching questions were asked. Even after the close of the public meeting, eager and inquisitive visitors wanted to continue talking with the evangelistic team. Here and there, little groups were seen conversing on religious themes. It was evident there were still people desiring to become acquainted with the gems of heavenly truth. This brings to mind a statement from The Acts of the Apostles, pp. 134 and 122. “In His wisdom, the Lord brings those who are seeking for truth into touch with fellow beings who know the truth. It is the plan of heaven that those who have received light shall impart it to those in darkness.” “Jesus gave sanction to the authority of His organized church and placed souls in connection with His appointed agencies on earth. Christ had now a church as His representative on earth, and to it belonged the work of directing the repentant sinner in the way of life. He directs sinners to the church, which He has made a channel of light to the world.”
Dear reader, God has a visible and organized church in the Ukraine today. Although we are few in numbers, without popularity, without wealth, we are mighty in truth and rich in the power of the Holy Spirit. God’s last church on earth can claim the promise found in Zechariah 4:6, “Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts.”
Isn’t it heart warming to know that God has a people who are directing lost sinners to Jesus Christ? They have been commissioned to warn the world of Christ’s Second Advent.
I would like to note that the responsible brethren purchased large Russian Bibles from the Baptist Church for about 50 cents each. Then during our campaign we distributed freely God’s Holy Word. Those who received a personal Bible can now “search the Scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me.” John 5:39. Even the director of the theater, who never read the Bible before, was also given the most precious book ever written. May the Holy Spirit direct and impress her to find the way to God. We also distributed the Great Controversy and Steps to Christ books, and Bible Correspondence Courses were placed in the hands of searching souls.
The blessing of the Lord was manifested during our meetings, but now there is still much more to be done. Interested people are to be taught the “present truth” and to be baptized. God commanded His church to “Go…. Teach ….baptizing them….” Matthew 28:19.
In 1992 there were eighteen baptisms conducted in the former Soviet Union. It was on October 31, 1993, that we had the opportunity to see five dear souls commit their lives to Jesus through baptism. All of heaven rejoiced as they were buried in the watery grave. They testified publicly that they loved Jesus and were willing to follow Him.
In the Ukraine, there is a great hunger for Jesus Christ, the Bread of Life. The missionary field is unusually fertile which can lead to an abundant harvest of souls. More than ever before, now is the right time to work untiringly for the rescue of lost sinners. One of the greatest needs in the Reform Church is to have more humble and dedicated workers.
Presently there are no full-time workers in the Ukraine. All of the brethren who help out are part-time workers. Brother Alexander Zaloznyi has been doing much to support and strengthen the work of God. I would like to appeal to all our dear readers to pray for some full-time laborers to enter the Lord’s vineyard. How urgent is this call today! Do you remember reading Matthew 9: 37, 38? “Then saith he unto his disciples, the harvest truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few. Pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his harvest.” These verses are applicable to adults as well as to young people. God is searching for young men and women to labor for Him. Who will go on a mission of rescue? It demands energy, wisdom, skill, vision and reliance on heaven. From the hand of inspiration we read, “The Lord has appointed the youth to be His helping hand. With such an army of workers as our youth, rightly trained, might furnish, how soon the message of a crucified, risen, and soon-coming Saviour might be carried to the whole world!” Messages to Young People, p.7.
Before Jesus can return, the light of the Gospel needs, to penetrate the various regions of the Ukraine and the other vast regions of the former Soviet Union. Pray that more aggressive missionary activities can be launched while there is still religious freedom. Dear reader, please give your moral as well as your financial support to the Ukraine. God will bless your richly.
May the Lord be with the Ukrainian believers in the New Year that they may remain faithful in His infinite love.