“The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God.” Psalms 14:1.

In the mind of modern man, God has changed very much, if not almost entirely ceasing to exist.

He is relegated to a mythical status, a creation of man’s imagination. There is supposedly a conflict between science and revelation. Geology, as it is generally taught, contradicts the literal interpretation of the Mosaic record of creation. In reali­ty, the conflict develops only when hu­man ideas and theories are advanced to account for certain phenomena in nature. True science actually testifies to the existence of an omnipotent God, the Creator of the universe.


“Science is ever discovering new wonders; but she brings from her research nothing that, rightly understood, conflicts with di­vine revelation. The book of nature and the written word shed light upon each other. They make us acquainted with God by teaching us something of the laws through which He works.” -Ellen G. White, Education, p. 128.

A physician was asked not long ago, “How do you know there is a God?” “Every patient that comes to my of­fice,” the doctor replied, “tells me that there is a God. The many kinds of body tissue, with their multitudinous uses and functions, are amazing. There are also the countless numbers of glands throughout the body, … many of them manufacturing a specific chemical or indispensable serum. Modern sci­ence has never penetrated the hidden secrets of these glands and how they operate. Here is wisdom infinitely be­yond the concept of the human intel­lect.”
A senior medical student considered his greatest discovery in the study of medicine to be “the digestive process and the alkalinity of the blood. A per­son may eat lemons or grapefruit every day for several months, or he may eat none of those things; yet the alkalinity of the blood remains almost constant. Should it rise or fall more than a frac­tion of a degree, the person could not live. “And this is the more remarkable,” he continued, “when we consider that the lymphatic system, which as­similates the nutriment from the di­gestive tract, is separated from the bloodstream by a very thin membrane of cells.” What a delicate balance be­tween health and disease, between life and death!

“In the tiny cells of the brain, the ex­perience, the education, and the men­tal skill of a lifetime are stored. In this ‘head office’ and the correlated spinal cord are billions of nerve cells, from which little silken fingers extend to all parts of the body. By this miraculous telegraph system, the movements of head, hands and feet, together with the functions of the heart, lungs, and digestive system, are all coordinated. Likewise, electricity plays its part. With every muscular contraction, ev­ery movement of a finger, every wink of an eye, every twitch of the skin, an electrical current is discharged.”

The above are just a few of the countless facts of human anatomy that are more amazing than fiction. They lead us to appreciate King David’s words in Psalms 139:14, “I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are Thy works.” And also in Psalms 94:9, 10: “He that planted the ear, shall He not hear? He that formed the eye, shall He not see? He that chastiseth the heathen, shall not he correct? He that teacheth man knowledge, shall not He know?”

Look wherever we will, in earth, sea, and sky, God’s creative wonders are displayed. The immense, orderly universe in which we live could not possibly have come about by chance, nor could the marvelous mechanism we call man have evolved from some prehistoric amoeba.

“This argument from design has al­ways been considered as a most pow­erful evidence for the existence of God. A watch requires a watchmaker: then, what about the far more intricate and precise atomic and sidereal clocks?

“A water supply system requires the efforts of a great many skilled en­gineers and builders; then, what about the marvelous reservoir, pumping, purification, and distribution system involved in the hydrologic cycle which supplies water to the earth’s inhabit­ants?

“A great building presupposes a trained architect; the infinitely-more complex structure of the human body cannot even be analyzed, let alone de­signed, by man. The greatest digital computers are absurdly simple in com­parison to the complex circuitry of the human brain and nervous system.

“The idea that a complex structure or system can somehow be formed by chance is a persistent delusion accept­ed by evolutionists….
“The obvious conclusion is that complex, ordered structures of any kind (and the world is full of them) simply could never have happened by chance. Disorder never spontane­ously turns into order. Organization requires an organizer.” -Henry M. Morris, The Remarkable Birth of Planet Earth, pp. 3, 5.

Many evolutionists claim that man somehow evolved from an amoeba: “According to the General Theory of Evolution, all living things have arisen by a naturalistic, mechanistic, evolutionary process from a single living source, which itself arose by a similar process from a dead, inani­mate world. This has sometimes been called the ‘amoeba-to-man’ theory.”” -Duane T. Gish, Evolution, the Fossils Say No!, p. 17.

The offspring of this amoeba had to produce another form superior to itself, and go on and on in an evolv­ing chain until extremely complex forms came into existence. But in per­forming thousands of experiments, biologists have observed the amoeba endlessly reproducing itself. With ev­ery reproduction the same thing hap­pens consistently, and predictably; one amoeba divides into amoebas—never anything else.

Evolutionists also claim that billions of years were required for the evolu­tion of the earth from chaos. It is not strange that men of science have mis­calculated the time, for they study only nature, ignoring the great light shining from the Word of God. A good illus­tration of formations produced by sud­den catastrophe occurred in 1959 when an earthquake convulsed part of the Rocky Mountains, formed a lake, and created new geysers. Although this upheaval was limited to the Yellow­stone Park area of Montana, it nicely illustrates what happened at the time of the Flood (see 2 Peter 2:5).

In the National Geographic magazine of March 1960, p. 329, Samuel W. Mat­thews, in his article “The Night the Mountains Moved,” describes won­derfully these events: “Suddenly, 22 minutes and 45 seconds before mid­night, an earthquake of historic force wrenched thousands of square miles of the northern Rockies. The earth’s crust, warped by unimaginable strain, broke and shifted along several faults, or fractures. A lake in southwestern Montana tilted. Water leaped a dam in racing waves.

“Downstream in the Madison’s narrow canyon, a mountain face 1,300 feet high and half a mile wide split off and came roaring down on sleeping campers. Eighty million tons of rock and earth smashed into the river…. Water and terrible blasts of air shot out from under the thunder­ing slide.”

Then follows more of this vivid de­scription of what happened at the time of this natural phenomenon. On page 348 of the same magazine, we have the impression of Park Naturalist George D. Marler: “Nature turned a climactic page in her book. It could have taken hundreds of years to bring about what happened here in a few hours.”

The results of this earthquake show that things can happen in nature in a few hours that, if examined a few hundred years later, might be attrib­uted to the slow, natural process of erosion. “Only by the aid of that Spirit who in the beginning ‘was brooding upon the face of the waters,’ … of that ‘true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world,’ can the testimony of science be rightly inter­preted. Only by their guidance can its deepest truths be discerned.” -Ellen G. White, Education, p. 134.

As I study the prophecies of the Scripture, I see conclusive evidence of a God who knows “the end from the beginning.”
There is also evidence which is very personal. Individually, we all may prove the reality of God and the power of His Word. His promises never fail, and He has made provi­sion for us to be delivered from doubt and anxiety. In Jesus we have a di­vine Savior from sin and evil habits, while the Bible is the voice of God to the soul. These two sources of power bring limitless spiritual strength to those who accept Him as their Creator and Savior.

And so, for these and so many oth­er reasons, I believe in God, the great and wonderful Creator and Author of all the scientific marvels of the universe.