I Peter 3:8: “…Be pitiful, be courteous.”
In order to be a successful soul winner, one must show friendliness and practice tact and courtesy. It is a fact that businessmen and politicians make themselves as attractive and appealing as possible in order to reach their goals. Many of these people, unfortunately, only put on these graces–they do not come from the heart.
“A kind, courteous Christian is the most powerful argument that can be produced in favor of Christianity.” Gospel Workers, p. 122.
Additionally, every worker for the Lord should have good eye contact, good manners, a firm handshake, and a happy, smiling face when greeting others. A smile is the universal language of the world. (Also, it takes 58 fewer muscles to smile than to frown.)
“The religion of Jesus gives peace like a river. It does not quench the light of joy, it does not restrain cheerfulness nor cloud the sunny, smiling face.” Steps to Christ, p. 121.
“Children are attracted by a cheerful, sunny demeanor… “If your heart is sad, let not your face reveal the fact.” Child Guidance, pp. 146, 148.
Whether we come into a home for a Bible study, or attend church services on Sabbath, let’s try smiling. It doesn’t cost anything! Visitors will be delighted when they see cheerful faces.
Another grace that needs special attention is humility. The heavenly intelligences can cooperate with him who is seeking not to exalt self, but to save souls. It is pride that is a stumbling block to success for it is opposed to God’s nature of love. Lacking love and true compassion in his heart, man becomes cold as steel and very critical of others.
In the gospel of John, we find a group of scribes and Pharisees who had accused a woman of a serious sin—adultery. Jesus did not justify nor condemn her. He merely said to her, “Neither do 1 condemn thee: go and sin no more.” John 8:11. What amazing sympathy and understanding were shown by Jesus toward this frightened woman! He came not into this world to condemn, but to save sinners.
The church of God should have the same attitude toward all sinners. No matter what they have done, they need to be loved.
Only by strictly adhering to the timely Biblical rule found in Matthew 18:15-17, can the believers do justice to themselves and help the sinner find his way back to God. It is not by casting stones, which often wound and even kill spiritually, that a sinner is benefited. He is to be directed to a living and loving Savior Jesus Christ who forgives and cleanses from all sin.